AC Voltage Applied to a Resistor
AC Voltage Applied to a Resistor: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as Alternating Voltage, Alternating Current, AC Circuit, RMS Value of Alternating Voltage, RMS Value of Alternating Current, Average Value of Alternating Current and, Average Value of a Function
Important Questions on AC Voltage Applied to a Resistor
A capacitor is connected to source. The capacitive reactance and the RMS current would be:
The instantaneous current and voltage of an AC circuit are given by and . The power dissipation in the circuit is
If Volt, then the time taken to reach the maximum point from zero.
The average value of current from to is how many times of ?
The mean value of current from is
An current is given as The rms current is
An alternating voltage is connected to a micro farad capacitor through an AC ammeter. The reading of the ammeter shall be:
Chose the correct phasor diagram for a purely resistive a.c. circuit.
Which graph represents the true resistive a.c. circuit?
Assertion : The alternating current lags behind the e.m.f. by a phase angle of , when AC flows through an inductor.
Reason : The inductive reactance increases as the frequency of AC source decreases.
Assertion: In a purely resistive ac circuit instantaneous power varies sinusoidally.
Reason: Applied ac voltage varies sinusoidally.
A sinusoidal voltage is applied to a resistor of resistance. Calculate the power dissipated as heat in .
A sinusoidal voltage is applied to a resistor of resistance. Calculate the rms value of the current.
A sinusoidal voltage is applied to a resistor of resistance. Calculate the rms value of the voltage.
A sinusoidal voltage is applied to a resistor of resistance. Calculate the frequency of the supply.
(Root mean square) value of AC supplied voltage is ________value of voltage.
An AC voltage is supplied to resistor of resistance . What is average value of current during time interval .
An circuit contains capacitor and a inductor. The frequency of electromagnetic radiation emitted by antenna coupled to the circuit is
Which of the following can be a wave function?
The phase relationship between current and voltage in a pure resistive circuit is best represented by